January 04, 2011

Treats from the Pearl of the Orient

A good friend of mine, just got back from Hong Kong. For those who aren't familiar with the term "The Pearl of the Orient", let me give you a quick history fact. When Hong Kong was still a part of the British colony, they had a sort of emblem. In the middle of the emblem, you can see a lion holding a pearl. Hence the name, Pearl Of The Orient. If you want more details, you can just google it or something.

Okay, so that good friend of mine got me my favorite chocolate in the whole wide world. I'm exaggerating a bit here, folks. She also got me a few others, but I didn't feel the need to take pictures of the others. She got me a very amusing pen as well (it's a popular cartoon character) you guys might recognize this fellow when you see the pics below.

Maltesers, bites of heaven.