January 05, 2011

Towards a better future, or so they say....

It's my 3rd day of blogging. You can probably tell that I'm enjoying this blog stuff at the moment, that's why it has been so routine. Anyways, today was my first day back to school after the holidays and I've to say it was one of the most preposterous day ever. Not only did we relocate to a new building that is like a thousand miles away from where I live, but also the weather was terrible. It was hot and humid, and don't even get me started on the assembly hall, there were literally spider webs and dust bunnies floating in the air (this doesn't make sense, it's one of those "you-had-to-be-there-to-understand" things).

Yeah, I know it seems like I'm complaining a lot, but in this case complaining is a necessity. So the main reason of the relocation was because they're gonna tear down our old building and build a totally new one to replace it and I don't totally disagree because it was a pretty ugly piece of shit, due to the flood water being a regular visitor. But I mean come on, why we had to move 5 months before graduation is beyond me. You would think they would tear down the building immediately after we moved out right? Guess what? They didn't! In fact, it's still standing solid on the ground, not even one scratch. Since there's no way that me complaining and going on and on about how much this sucks would help, I guess I should just stop and try to make the best of it. The new building isn't so bad, they have this really spacious field and the grass is really green. For now, that's the only compliment I have about it.

Will upload pics as soon as I take some decent ones!