February 19, 2011


So here I am, sitting alone at the rooftop of a certain coffee parlor. I'll give you a hint, starts with an S, ends with an S. Okay, it's Starbucks. I love this place. It's so peaceful and subtle. The fact that it is currently raining, just made my day, week in fact. 

I haven't posted anything in a while due to the hustle and bustle of my High School life which hopefully will end by May. For the next 2 months that are ahead of us, I will be busy with tests and tryouts and exams. Bugger. So I'm using the little time I have, to refresh and relax.

Last Tuesday was a public holiday, can't remember exactly why it was though. Anyways I attended a certain concert that was headlined by Two Door Cinema Club and Flight Facilities. To be honest, I first hesitated to attend. I bought a ticket at the very last minute, even then I wasn't sure whether or not I was gonna go. But I had already forced my best friend to buy a ticket weeks before, so backing out at the last minute was not an option anyways. Needless to say, going to 'Love Garage' was absolutely worth it. The concept was very refreshing, just what I needed to take my mind off things. The performances were mind-blowing and so was the crowd, it was super packed!
Welcome to Love Garage by Ismaya Live

Flight Facilities

Two Door Cinema Club
By the end of the night, I was completely love-struck with Flight Facilities. Well one of them at least. When I say love-struck, I mean completely obsessed. This is absurd for me, since I don't usually enjoy DJs let alone become obsessed. Sorry for the lack of quality in the pics, the spot where I was, wasn't first class or anything. Overall, I would say everyone that attended probably had a fantastic and super-fun time. Great job Ismaya Live, Dimensions and EX!