February 26, 2011

Good for the soul

If you read my recent posts, you would know that I'm currently going through exams and tryouts. And boy, has that been strenuous! Today's Saturday and instead of going through my usual routine, by usual I mean malls and stuff. I've decided to getaway from the hustle bustle of busy Jakarta to a place of serenity cause believe you me I need the quite. So here I am, with some things that I love. 

  1. HOT SHOWERS - and by hot I mean hot, like 'burn-your-scalp' hot. That sounds terrible, so let me rephrase. I mean so hot as to make you feel like you never want to step out of that shower. Yes, that sounds better.
  2. SUPER FAST INTERNET CONNECTION - who doesn't love this right? It's basically a religion to the world. Well except for atheists and Amish people. But even so, if they did use the internet they would want fast connection.
  3. PIZZA - well you kinda have to order you don't just get it for free but they have really fast delivery service.
  5. MACBOOK - I don't need to say anything for this one.
  6. MOVIES - dvds, tv series' well basically things that you can watch videoclip-wise
  7. MUSIC - yes. of course this is on my list.
  8. SUPER FAST INTERNET CONNECTION - wait..did I say mention this already?
I feel so at peace and it's like I wanna stay here forever, but I can't. Gots to go back to Jakarta to uhm....go to school on Monday. Bleh. Just let me graduate already. I'm tired of uniforms and being forced to memorize how rocks are formed. Alrighty, I'm gonna stop right now and end this post with a quote.

"If you are going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill