March 14, 2011

Listen here, darlings.

2011 is really starting out with a bang. I mean a musical one. Everyone loves music, it would be completely ridiculous not to. Here's a few record that I've been listening to lately.

W O U N D E D  R H Y M E S , L Y K K E  L I
Like Lykke Li's prior records, her mesmerizing voice draws focus to her songs. Not only her voice, but also the very eloquent and melodic hook. Mostly Wounded Rhymes is about tragedies, broken hearts and love...and well sexual intercourse in one or two song. Though her choice of lyrics in this album is a bit different from her previous albums, here she sounds a bit darker and gloomier. Also the lyrics are just a tad more deeper. But nonetheless, it's an easy listening record and very recommended. 

Z O N O S C O P E , C U T  C O P Y
If you have never heard of Cut Copy before, well you should.  Their electropop music and lyrics are sure to make you get up off your feet and move. But Zonoscope is sort of different if I might say so myself, compared to their last records. It's a bit more soulful than the last one and a bit less  jiggy. And may I mention that their cover art is awesome, definitely an eye catcher.

K A P U T T , D E S T R O Y E R
What can I say about Destroyer that hasn't already been said? I've fallen in love with them since I first heard Painter In Your Pocket. Dan Bejar's soothing voice combined with the melodious hooks in this record can put an angry lion to sleep. Kaputt doesn't sound much different than any other Destroyer albums. But this time there's just a brighter spark to this album. I literally can't stop listening to Kaputt.

U N D E R N E A T H  T H E  P I N E , T O R O  Y  M O I
I'll be honest Underneath The Pine is the first Toro Y Moi album that I've listened to. I mean I've heard of them before and I was always curious of what they sound liked, but I guess I didn't really get the time to look them up. Until now. So here's how you pronounce the name TORO-EE-MWAH, just in case you didn't know, cos I sure as hell didn't know at first. This record is very deep on their instruments. Lyrics well yeah they're their but believe you me, their harmonies will really make you listen.

So there you go, I was gonna put in Radiohead's latest, but I think everyone's heard enough comments about Thom Yorke and his lotus flower. Okay folks, I'm gonna get my brunch on. Ta-ta.