Alone adjective & adverb : having no one else present; on one's own.
In my point of view, there are two types of loners: the first type are the people that chooses to be alone and the second one, well obviously, are people that doesn't have a choice. Ask anyone who knows me which type I am, and they would without a doubt tell you, that I'm definitely the first type. To the general eye, being alone signifies that you're lonely and have no friends or whatnot. Well to me and all those other type 1 loners, being alone means freedom, no one to bother you, no one to burden you. But just to be clear, for my friends that are reading this if there are any, I'm not saying that you guys bother or burden me when we hang out. LOL.
Back to the point, doing things alone gives you an absolute control, no one to tell you what to do where to go, etc. Of course there are downsides to being alone all the time, for instance, when you go to the movies alone and suddenly in the middle of the movie you really really need to pee, and you know if you go you're gonna miss a part of the movie and there's no one to tell you what happened when you went to the toilet. Oh and also, you have to bring all your stuff with you because there's no one to look after it, there's no way you're gonna tell the creepy man next to you to watch your stuff, right? Before you ask, yes this is coming from a personal experience, and the answer is no, I did not go to the toilet. In fact, had to wait a whole 45 minutes before the movie ended and I finally could go.
Taken from Jesse Eisenberg pictured alone, yet he is a superstar.
See? Nothing wrong with being alone.
Okay, no I'm just joking. This picture is irrelevant to my post.
But I really love this picture, so I decided to squeeze it in so you don't get bored reading this post. |
A little while back, a friend of mine said she feels lonely when's she's alone. That's alright, because most people do. They spend too much time being with others, so when they're alone they feel like they're out of their comfort zone. That right there, means you have a problem with your self confidence. I first did as well when I started hanging out by myself, but then I got used to it, people staring and I just didn't care, because the fact is, those people staring at you they don't really matter. So the key here, is to just be confident about yourself. Remember confidence is different than arrogance.
Being alone also gives you the push you possibly need to take charge of your independence. Doesn't matter if you still live with your parents, well I still do. But that doesn't mean you can't be independent. In this matter, I don't mean independent as in like you tell your parents "Don't tell me what to do!!! I'm independent!!". After all they are your parents, and no matter what they will always be the only ones who truly loves you for who you are. I myself had just recently went through a "forgot-my-parents-are-my-parents" phase. But even after that, my parents still loves me and supports me. So what I mean when I say independent, I mean don't be too reliant on other people. Sometimes you need to make choices for yourself not for other people.
So, love your parents, study hard, work hard. Be yourself. Don't take shit from other people, unless those people are your family, then it's okay to take it from time to time. And if your gut is telling you that you absolutely need to do something, then do it, because most of the time, your gut is right.